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Creative process

Drawing has always been a hobby for me, and I never expected it to generate passive income. I am incredibly grateful to God for all the opportunities that have come my way and for the support of my followers on social media.

I make a conscious effort to draw regularly, even if my initial ideas may seem lackluster. Some concepts undergo unexpected transformations, diverging from my original intentions. It's like embarking on a mental adventure, never knowing where I'll ultimately end up. I typically carry a sketchbook with me wherever I go, and I find that spending time at a café also helps stimulate my flow of ideas.

Here are a few techniques that assist me in organizing my creative process:

  1. Typically, I begin by contemplating objects and things that are interconnected. What might they express or convey?

  2. On occasion, I explore popular sayings or idioms from different angles, seeking fresh perspectives.

  3. I also compile lists of singular or compound words, or ponder upon words that bear similarities in sound.

  4. Everyday life experiences also influence my work. What are the situations teaching me and how do I express them visually?

These thought processes gradually give rise to visual images, which I then translate into sketches. Occasionally, there are eureka moments when an idea or image spontaneously pops into my head. Additionally, observing the work of other artists serves as a continual source of inspiration for me.

Above all, my goal is to connect with people through my ideas and bring smiles to their faces. I aspire to continue drawing, and I sincerely thank you for your ongoing support!

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